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For Conservation Biology
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AFLP (1 Abstract)
Amentotaxus formosana
(1 Abstract)
American chestnut (1 Abstract)
aminopyralid (1 Abstract)
assignment test (1 Abstract)
biodiversity (2 Abstracts)
biofuels (1 Abstract)
Botanic Garden (1 Abstract)
buckthorn (1 Abstract)
Chromosome numbers (1 Abstract)
Clematis morefieldii (1 Abstract)
communicating (1 Abstract)
community (1 Abstract)
conservation (6 Abstracts)
crop-wild gene flow (1 Abstract)
Cutleaf teasel (1 Abstract)
Cytogeography (1 Abstract)
Dipsacus laciniatus
(1 Abstract)
Dispersal (1 Abstract)
dunes (1 Abstract)
Ecuador (1 Abstract)
endangered species (2 Abstracts)
Endangered Species Act (1 Abstract)
Ex situ
Conservation (1 Abstract)
federal and state government expenditures (1 Abstract)
federally listed species (1 Abstract)
fitness (1 Abstract)
gene flow (2 Abstracts)
GENELAND (1 Abstract)
Geographic isolation (1 Abstract)
glyphosate (1 Abstract)
Grand Mere State Park (1 Abstract)
grass competition (1 Abstract)
Great Lakes (1 Abstract)
hemiparasite (1 Abstract)
herbivory (1 Abstract)
hybridization (1 Abstract)
(1 Abstract)
insecticide (1 Abstract)
introgression (1 Abstract)
invasive species (2 Abstracts)
ISSRs (1 Abstract)
Kandelia obovata
(1 Abstract)
Lagos (1 Abstract)
legume (1 Abstract)
local adaptation (1 Abstract)
Mavaceae (1 Abstract)
Michigan flora (1 Abstract)
microsatellite DNA (1 Abstract)
microsatellites (1 Abstract)
Oak Openings (1 Abstract)
Panicum virgatum
(2 Abstracts)
phenology (1 Abstract)
plant mating systems (1 Abstract)
Polylepis (1 Abstract)
Polyploidy (1 Abstract)
Population differentiation (1 Abstract)
population genetics (1 Abstract)
prairie (1 Abstract)
Preserve management (1 Abstract)
(1 Abstract)
reclamation (1 Abstract)
reintroduction (1 Abstract)
Restoration (4 Abstracts)
Rhamnus (1 Abstract)
Rosaceae (1 Abstract)
Sampling bias (1 Abstract)
Seed Bank (1 Abstract)
structure (1 Abstract)
Sustainable forestry (1 Abstract)
Swietenia macrophylla
(1 Abstract)
switchgrass (1 Abstract)
tallgrass prairie (1 Abstract)
threatened and endangered species (2 Abstracts)
threatened species (1 Abstract)
traditional ecological knowledge (1 Abstract)
transgene (1 Abstract)
Trees (1 Abstract)
Tropical forest management (1 Abstract)
volunteerism (1 Abstract)
Wet Prairie (2 Abstracts)
wild relative (1 Abstract)
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