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Agavoideae (1 Abstract)
Amborella (1 Abstract)
Amborella trichopoda (1 Abstract)
American cranberry (1 Abstract)
Ancestral Genome (1 Abstract)
angiosperm (2 Abstracts)
Apocynaceae (1 Abstract)
(1 Abstract)
Basal Angiosperm (1 Abstract)
bimodal karyotype (1 Abstract)
Bud burst (1 Abstract)
Campanulaceae (1 Abstract)
Carica papaya (1 Abstract)
Carica papaya
(1 Abstract)
chloroplast DNA (1 Abstract)
data partitioning (1 Abstract)
de novo
transcriptome (1 Abstract)
Dormancy (1 Abstract)
Douglas-fir (1 Abstract)
Embryophytes (1 Abstract)
EST (1 Abstract)
FISH (1 Abstract)
gene expression (1 Abstract)
Genome Assembly (2 Abstracts)
Genome evolution (3 Abstracts)
Genomics (3 Abstracts)
green plants (1 Abstract)
Heterozygosity (1 Abstract)
land plants (1 Abstract)
male germ lineage (1 Abstract)
MAPK Identification
(1 Abstract)
MAPK nomenclature
(1 Abstract)
marker development (1 Abstract)
Mitochondria (1 Abstract)
Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase
(1 Abstract)
mixture models (1 Abstract)
Molecular evolution (1 Abstract)
monocotyledons (1 Abstract)
next generation sequencing (1 Abstract)
Nuclear Genome (1 Abstract)
Optical Map (1 Abstract)
Orobanchaceae (1 Abstract)
paleopolyploidy (1 Abstract)
parasitic plant (1 Abstract)
Phylogenetics (1 Abstract)
phylogenomics (2 Abstracts)
phylogeny (1 Abstract)
Plastid genome (1 Abstract)
plastome (1 Abstract)
population genetics (1 Abstract)
promoter (1 Abstract)
Pseudotsuga menzeisii (1 Abstract)
(1 Abstract)
recombination (1 Abstract)
retrotransposons (1 Abstract)
RNA-seq (1 Abstract)
selection (1 Abstract)
Selective sweep (1 Abstract)
Sequence capture (3 Abstracts)
Sex chromosome (2 Abstracts)
sex chromosomes (1 Abstract)
Single/low copy nuclear genes (2 Abstracts)
SNP detection (1 Abstract)
Soybean MAPK
(1 Abstract)
species tree reconciliation (1 Abstract)
sperm cell (1 Abstract)
supertrees (1 Abstract)
transcriptomes (1 Abstract)
Transcriptomics (2 Abstracts)
Viridiplantae (1 Abstract)
Whole Genome Shotgun (1 Abstract)
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